Triple mirror hours are a sign that the universe is trying to open communication with you and send you a special message via the influence of certain numbers’ vibrations. Your eyes have started falling upon the triple mirror hour 01:11 on a regular basis and this has begun to intrigue you.
You find it strange that your eyes should land on this sequence of numbers consistently, and this has led you to ask some questions. You ask yourself if these were mere accidents or if these repeated coincidences could actually have a special significance. You should know that this hour is indeed revealing you a message, and that it deserves your attention.
When you start seeing the triple mirror hour 01:11 often you should make sure to monitor your thoughts so as to only think about the things that you want, and not about the things you don't. This hour is a sign that an opportunity is presenting itself to you and that your thoughts are rapidly taking shape, as if like a bright flash of light.
This means that the universe has just taken a snapshot of your feelings and caused them to manifest in the form of thoughts. To find out more about the message that this triple hour has given you, you can put your trust in the guardian angels and in numerology to give you an interpretation.
Significance of 01:11 with the Guardian Angels
The angel Elemiah, who is your patron and protector and the angel of protection and success, has been showing you the triple mirror hour 01:11 frequently because he has a message for you. He is telling you that he will give you his divine power to allow you to make progress in the esoteric sciences, the divinatory arts, and the occult. He will also give you natural power which brims with integrity, authenticity, and righteousness. He will help you to get back on your feet and to find a new life path.
At the same time the angel Elemiah is letting you know that he will give you great strength which will help you to spring into action and to make quick decisions. He also calls upon you to support divine creation. He will be your faithful companion as you continue to explore your life path, the guide you were always waiting for.
Elemiah is also telling you that he will help you to find direction in your professional life. He will give you a sense of initiative and help you to honor your commitments. With his energy you will become a more optimistic person. What’s more he will help you to get through all the difficult times you will face in the future and allow you to return to a state of peace while protecting you from feelings of irritation.
The guardian angel Elemiah is also pointing out that he is able to help you identify traitors. This isn’t so that you can seek revenge, but so as to allow you to make peace with the people who have betrayed you. What’s more he will make an effort to protect you from the forces of evil and keep people away from you who take part in black magic rituals and curses.
This angel is also letting you know that he will be beside you in your life to keep you from failing in the things you do. He is there to help you avoid misfortune and periods of negativity which may prevent you from advancing professionally. He will also stop you from having defeatist thoughts and ideas.

What does 01:11 mean in Numerology?

In numerology the number 12 is the symbol of rebirth on a higher level of existence as well as of profound wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, and sensitivity. The number is using the triple hour 01:11 to send you a message which will help guide your life in the right direction. The message behind this number is that you should forget your old habits as these need to change. You should be open to new opportunities and do so with optimism.
The angel number 12 also indicates that you are a fragile person both physically and morally. You find it difficult to get through times of hardship and to be successful you will have to learn how to overcome all this. You will put in a lot of effort and your guardian angel will be there to help you.
This number also teaches you that everything you give to the world should be positive. It asks you to always stick to the path of positivity and to make use of your natural talents, gifts, and skills as much as you can for your own benefit as well as the benefit of your peers. All throughout your life your guardian angel has been there to encourage you and surround you with love and joy.
The number 12 also suggests sacrifice and devotion to an intellectual, social, or material pursuit. It could be that this is interfering with your freedom due to an obstacle, commitment, or forced obligations. You should think about the consequences of your actions or else risk facing hardships and deceptions.
When the number 12 appears before you on a regular basis in numerology, your guardian angel is trying to tell you to look for different ways to improve your house, your local green space, and/or its surroundings. This will have an impact on your family life.
This was such an intriguing post! I never knew the significance behind triple hours like 01:11. It really made me think about the signs we might be missing in our everyday lives. Thanks for shedding light on this topic!
Thank you for advising me how to handle my life and being with me.
I have to reread your advice again and again to stay in your advise line.
Thank you for involving into my life road!
Jazak Allah 🤲 for the Guardian Angels, Angel Elemiah👼 thank you for protection and your appearance to guide me in my life.
Thank you my guardian angel🌹you are my best friend in the whole world💗please help me to be a better person and a kind man🌹
Dear Angel Elemiah, your message is truly appreciated. It resonates deeply with me because, at the moment, I’ve been earnestly manifesting positive energy to the universe. I’ve felt a need for divine intervention, as my own knowledge has seemed to fall short. When I looked at the time and saw 01:11, my faith strengthened even more. It feels like the universe is responding, blessing me with knowledge that will bring fulfillment. I make this testimony so others can see it works
Thank you my Angel 😇, please blesses me 🕯️🙏 and fullfil my natural gift’s Amen.
Thank you to my angel Elemiah to be with me protect me and supporting me.. ❤❤❤
I give thanks my Angel Elamiah 😇🙏🏾🙏🏾Am happy to have you my life ❤️.
Jazak Allah for angel Elemiah 🙇🤲❤️😊
Thank you my guardian Angel Elemiah I appreciate you help.
Many many thanks to the Author and last but, not least, guardian Angel Elemiah.
All the number have been aligning perfectly. This message within the entire page rings so true/ close to home. Many a question has been answered. I shall move accordingly.
All Praises to Most High, Mother Nature, My Angels, My guardian Angels, My Universe.
Everything I have read I have related to and thought of so much after being in such hardship and a depressive statem I started to rearrange my home and this eve before bed this number on the clock for some reason meant something to me so I googled and everything is spot on.. I will listen to my angels and carry on with my positive thoughts. Making the best I can out of a bad situation. Reading this helped me to realise I’m on the right track of thought. Thankyou . Hears to onwards and upwards and positivity. Blessings to everyone above these comments. Together we can do this. We need to believe and good things will happen
I must confess indeed, you are my patron and protector. am happy you are there for me, thank you so mush Elemiah!
I love you, Angel Elemiah!
I thank you Guardian Angel Elemiah for your comforting presence in my life. I feel very much blessed that you are and am forever grateful for all of your guidance and protection. Much Love and Light To You. Amen.
My dear Angel Elemiah, I offer my sincere gratitude for the guidance and protection.
Help me manifest 5 million shillings in this month of September to help me achieve financial breakthrough. Amen.
Thank you so much Angel Elemiah this really resonates with me as I am in a process of reuniting my family.
I AM. Thank you for making your presence known to me, Guardian Angel Elemiah. I am so happy and grateful that you did, at the exact moment I had been praying for the hope that somehow I’d be able to find my way forward into a happier soul-fortifying environment instead of the dark and unhappy one I have been in for way too long. Please continue to guide and watch over me. Thank you for being present in my time of need. You have brought me such relief right now and restored my faith and optimism. Much Benevolent Love and Light To You and Everyone Else As Well. Amen.
Giving the name of the writers Guardian does not mean it is the name of your guardian who provides the same attributes.
Thank YOU 💜🌬
I am so grateful to have you in my life Guardian Angel Elemiah. Your continued presence gives me great comfort. I am paying heed to your messages of positivity and that you will always be protecting me. I am so blessed and honoured. In appreciation. Amen
Woow on 12/04/22…This is real
Thankyouso much.Each and everything written here resonates with my current life and difficulties.Thankyou so much angel Elemiah.I feel so safe and loved.Thankyou
Last night we had some severe thunderstorms move thru here. Eventually the electricity went out, not sure of the time, but it was sometime before midnight but after 11pm. So I lit candles and decided to try to read by candlelight and try to be listening for my weather radio with more severe weather warnings. Finally the electricity came back on. I went to set my alarm clock and looked at my watch that was laying on the bedside table. It said 1:11am. I thought interesting since I have been playing with my birthdate with numerology in my head while the electricity was out. Then this morning I woke and looked at the clock and it was11:01am. So I am trying to understand this event’s meaning, if there is any.
Thank you to those providing me with why I often se 1.11 I’ve been having distrustful feelings about my partner and I know it’s because I’ve been hurt in the past including trusting those girlfriends whanau etc I realise how much of my time these negative thoughts are taking of my precious time amd now I know stop wasting your time on this and get busy with things that bring me joy and I will be making a conscientious decision to do exactly that, I love my pendulum my dear little friend has never forsaken me with the truth and I’m very very grateful for this info yet another reason to be grateful.
I have food shelter and my health so so very precious I have a partner although working afar he is a faithful caring and loving man and for I will be eternally thankful i am blessed to have so much love around me I have been spared from terrible things that happen to other woman people can be cruel but not to me and if they do im sure they will receive what they deserve I only hope they are given a chance to redeem themselves everyone needs a break just I have been given regardless of my rebelliousness.
I am alive and well thank you Elemiah for you love and protection thank you also to my loved ones past over to god his son my brother Jesus amd your angels helping us mere humans to make the most of this life thank you to a loving family and the man in my world and his beautiful family too just thanks anyone reading this I know you are a good person otherwise we wouldn’t be seeking the truth on here love light and long life to you all arohanui – C.Ross xx
I’m just following this site for couple of years. Thanks to those who created this site with Lots of Info regarding Mirror, Tripple & Reverse. GOD BLESS. LOVE & LIGHT.
It was 100% correct, oh my god I’m crying like crazy. Thank You
Yeah mad! Very grateful to of found this no nonsense, simple to navigate site. Just the right amount of info which makes it a light read, easy to digest and reflect upon..
Thank you Mirror Hour and thank you angels!
I’ve been seeing this number a lot. Everytime, I also read again your explanation. So I kind of almost have memorized this already. But still I love reading this over and over again because it appeases me, makes me feel calm and peaceful. Thank you for this message Elemiah ❤️
This is honestly something I have looked up the meaning of before… It’s just not been through this particular site. SINCERELY I am grateful for DIVINE timing and to my spirit beings, animals, last week couple nights in a row my dreams had animal’s in them.
A group of ENORMOUS deer or reindeer I know they were bigger than a moose mutant. They were standing just about 4 or 5 car lengths from me. Watching me specifically or me and the person whom I don’t know exactly who it was.. but I knew that those deer were spirit once I was replaying in my mind ..
the next night it was several animals, wolves, collie’s about 5 or 6 a horse plus a Blue Jay, which was like the size of what a fire breathing dragon is portrayed in movie’s . The bluejay
Flew in in the distance THROUGH the tree’s I could see VERY CLEARLY what kind of bird, and it’s size as it landed .
I woke up right after. Spirit has been throwing up multiple signs or guestures to get my attention. After reading this article I see it is not something I can deny further. Really I don’t think I was , but won’t deny it’s possibility, I do admit… that I sincerely feel like I am constantly on a wild guessing game goose chase.. sometimes it is a mystery to me why they don’t just go ahead and make it KNOWN KNOWN, without the limbo of confusion , I understand that it’s likely something I’m not knowing for a reason..
I am not upset with it being so.. I am not really sure WHY it’s not THROUGH knowing me personally SERIOUSLY I know they KNOW WHATEVER IS IN MY SOUL, MIND, ALSO MY INTENTIONS AND ACTIONS TOO.. SO I don’t understand why they are not remembering it’s ok to show me without anything left to cause me to mind Warp myself and get illusion ONTPOP OF ANOTHER illusion, because of COMPLETELY being confused even after I see signs of them and trying to get my attention..
being open to Those moments is seemingly KNOWN aswell, I feel like it is anyway.. just the times that is emergency and I am not going to be missing the signs or what to find the message is about.. after a couple of times I know it’s been frustrating and I am sorry but I will SPEAK up and say I don’t understand, but it’s like the common theme that ignoring me or like I don’t exsist or something WORSE many have a way of responding. But I also know that my imagination is freakishly limitless.. and I can be caught up before I even got to the point of it happening in the first place. I’m just opening myself up for the lessons that I know now are INCLUDING speaking up. Etc…
But I am CONFUSED so much I am tired of FEELING like a dumbass!!. . PERFECTION isn’t my intention, ok… So I just wish it didn’t feel like it is something I am not doing which PERFECTION fits in the catagory. … Of course I don’t know what the heck is allowed or not .
About everything or just something I make harder than I would if I knew what to do. . I guess I will just be as I am.. whatever happens happens.. I’m starting to feel like I am getting worse from before.. . Or if I ever had a clue to know the difference. .. . But I am thankful for this site. IT was something more than I have come across before lookin up this sort of thing. Thanks for your help lighting up the way .. all of you..
Thank You And Bless You All, also Happy norouz to all the iranians and those who are reading this
Thanks to the Universe for this lovely thought. Just saw the number so strange I had to check the mean and now I feel great and hopeful…my pleasure
Thank you Universe, Thank you my guardian angel
Thank you Elemiah and the Universe for looking after me.I know I will have all the health , love and abundance right here , right now!!Professionally I am geared to succeed and more money is flowing into my life and I am so grateful or all my blessings, past present and future. I know it all starts right now Thank you so very much
Thank God.. hail Angel Elemiah.. heartful thanks.. love and devotion.. Angel Elemiah.. for remembering us.. thank God
Thank you Elemiah
I am so very grateful
I allso see 111 and1111 constantly and it was once a day seeing both lately seeing both sets of numbers twic to three times daily and most recent it has slowed back down to twice a week it has made me say why do I see those times and on working clocks and no working like turn the radio on in my Jeep and the time is stopped start the Jeep and I’m seeing 111 or 1111 turn it off clock resets start and take off and boom I manage to just look at the time when it’s one or the other numbers it really does start to make you think what is going on why am I seeing those two sets of numbers it’s been happening sence my daughter pasted I see it not just on clocks doors at motels just look and it’s there usually on those it’s always 111 street addresses both it has to be something telling me something
I have been trying to reconnect with myself and my intuitions again.. I’ve been feeling strong energies lately, habing the most vivid dreams and trying to figure out to get back to the path of spirituality! I meditated earlier in the morning and asked the universe for some guidance, and I have been seeing this number the whole day, twice today I accidently stopped my cooking timer on 01;11, on my watch, my bill and many other places.. This article answers many questions, thanks a lot!
1:11 is the number I see most often. At least twice a day and in conjunction with other numbers like 11:11, 11:12 and so on. I receive so many numbers on a daily basis it’s almost unnerving. I am going through a true awakening which has taken my music career in another direction but the music feels so much more authentic now. I’m happy to know that I’m being truly supported by the angels.
The number 12 also suggests sacrifice and devotion to an intellectual, social, or material pursuit. It could be that this is interfering with your freedom due to an obstacle, commitment, or forced obligations. You should think about the consequences of your actions or else risk facing hardships and deceptions. – this only started making sense now wow
Thanks I feel nourished
I see number 1:11 for the last 6-7 years. Every day or every other day.
I saw the number on the clock and almost on all electronic devices, on damaged devices at which I am late, again I see that number of bass at a given moment.
Thank you for this explanation helped me a lot.
All the previous research I have found on this subject was half-time, your subject is complete.
Thanks and nice regards from me.