The triple Hours
Choose one of the 40 triple hours
Here are the meanings of the triple hours. To find an interpretation of the triple hour that you’ve seen, simply click on the corresponding green button.
Triple hours are very significant to the subconscious mind and when we encounter this kind of synchronicity it can give us many different kinds of feelings. It is therefore difficult to understand what message this sequence of three identical numbers is telling us.
There are forty triple hours in all so it’s very likely that you’ve come across one before! Here you will be given reliable information on the meaning of such a sign which may have been sent to you by your guardian angel but could also have come from the spirit of somebody who has passed away, for example.
Carl Jung put forth that it is possible for us to receive a personalized message through signs that we alone are able to notice and appreciate. Here we are discussing triple hours but these signs can also present themselves to you in a different form.
A song which perfectly describes your current situation; a fortuitous encounter which could change everything; or seeing a particular animal, or a feather. All of these synchronicities are addressed to you and you alone! Here we will help you to analyze the meaning of the hours.
For interpreting other signs, it is likely you will be able to sense an emotion or idea that they put in your mind. An analysis of this will often give you the key you need to interpret their message.
Reversed Mirror Hours
The reversed mirror hours such as 13:31, 14:41, and 15:51 also have a meaning with the angels and in numerology.
Double Mirror Hours
The double mirror hours such as 12:12, 22:22, and 16:16. Their significance with the guardian angels and in numerology.
Significance of triple hours with the guardian angels

Triple hours are often related to angelic sequences of numbers, like 01:11 which becomes 111. The works of Doreen Virtue allow us to interpret these hours and to share the information that the angels are trying to send you.
You will have immediate access to the name of the angel who rules over the triple hour you have seen. You will also learn the qualities that he gives you and the imbalances that he will help you straighten out. Make good use of this guidance as it will often allow you to avoid certain traps which may appear along your life’s path.
The guardian angel is a protective entity sent by God to guide and protect us. To communicate with mankind they use different signs and the appearance of a triple hour is just one of them. If you wish to learn more about the archangels, just head to the page on double hours and you will find both their names and their periods of influence.
Significance of triple hours in Numerology
Beyond an interpretation of the angels we will also give you the significance of triple hours in numerology. This will allow us to highlight several aspects of your personality as well as of your past, present, and future.
Through numerology you will have access to a deeper analysis which will allow you to work on developing what is beneficial and to set aside what is slowing you down or getting in your way.
An analysis of the numbers and figures in an hour will allow us to give you a precise outlook on how you are progressing through this plane of existence. Whether it be in love, work, or money, you will be given a precise outlook of your future.
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