04:40 Meaning

If your watch shows the hour 04:40 it isn’t down to coincidence or pure chance, but a temporal synchronicity with your subconscious mind. The subconscious isn’t limited by the brain, and time has no control over it. You should learn this hour's meaning to better understand what will happen to you or appear before you during your life.

This reversed mirror hour is a kind of message that your guardian angel is trying to send you. By using angelic numerology he wants to open a path of communication between you and him or attract your attention. This could be to give you a warning, an answer to a question, his approval, or a piece of advice. To see the answer more clearly, you should find out the true significance behind this mysterious hour.

Mirror Hour Oracle >>

The hour 04:40 appearing on your watch may signify a source of strength, a betrayal, a defeatist attitude, or a lack of flexibility. It indicates that you should take some time to think about your life, take care of your family, or open up your mind. Even at this very moment your guardian angel is expressing disapproval over the choice or actions you have taken, and if you want him to protect you and keep you safe beneath his wings then you will need to take the right path.

Significance of 04:40Β with the Guardian Angels

The guardian angel Mehahel symbolizes premonition and love. Through the reversed hour 04:40 he is telling you that he has given you the gift of perception which will allow you to occasionally have premonitions. In all your relationships he will bring you balance and total harmony all while filling your mind with knowledge and love.

To the heart of a couple, this protector and guardian angel will bring true love, peace, and loyalty. He channels a divine sexuality and is able to make sexual acts more fruitful. If you want to have a child, then this angel is the angel of fertility; he helps with reproduction and growth. Thanks to his divine protection he is telling you that you will have a child with a great spirit.

The reversed hour 04:40 is a sign that the angel Mehahel, patron of marital life, will fix your relationship if you are on the point of divorce or separation. He gives you protection in case of disagreements or feelings of jealousy. Fear of losing your partner no longer has a place in your emotional life and neither does exclusivity, feelings of dependence, or sexism. He guides you away from depravity, prostitution, and sexual encounters with many different people.

The message behind this reversed hour also shows that your guardian angel has given you a gift of clairvoyance as well as inner and outer peace, while at the same time getting rid of any inferiority or superiority complex. Thanks to his help and support, you will improve your abilities of perception. Like all angels, Mehahel is not there to judge you. He is at your side and only wants you to be happy.

He is the angel who is able to help you accomplish everything you want to do. He allows to be more receptive and to listen to others with wisdom. Professionally, he distances you from rivalries and unproductive tendencies. He also helps you if you are having feelings of attraction or disgust, as well as protecting you from jealousy and feelings of a possessive nature.

What does 04:40 mean in Numerology?

The angel number 44 represents four elements: water, earth, fire, and air; as well as four directions: north, south, east, and west. It symbolizes the implementation of work and ideas in the real world. The number 44 shows that the angels are beside you to give you their support, and that you have a strong connection with them. Because of this there is no need to be scared of anything and everything will turn out OK.

On the professional and material level, the number 44 brings good energy and vibrations. It will help you to become more dynamic and support your success, since it connects passion with energy. This number evokes concentration, order, reliability, a methodical approach, pragmatism, and a strong foundation.

The numerology behind the number 44 supports stability in friendly, romantic, and professional relationships since it extols the values of the long-term. It reminds you that you know how to show faith in others, and as a result you naturally surround yourself with good people. It is due to your strong capabilities that you are now a well-respected individual.

The number 44 tends to show appreciation for the acquisition and possession of material things. This number therefore represents material success. However, it is also telling you to stay humble and not to seek domination over others or else risk being seen in a bad light. At the same time, you should learn not to feed your pride as this can make you arrogant and domineering.

This number also sends a message, a message that you have a benevolent and loving angel beside you who will bring you calmness of mind and joy in your heart. Your angel will support and encourage you throughout your life, and if you ever face any obstacles he will always be there to come to your aid.

Any comment on the 04:40 mirror hour?

61 responses to “04:40”

  1. Just booked a bet about to change my life then i see this number 4:40 im reading up and it tells me to be string positive talks about restoring broken relationship n letting go of hate n jealousy i feel different snd better hope all works for good and i get to testify in few hours

  2. Thank you my angel πŸ˜‡, please restore my relationship me and my partner we are separated, I still love her, Anathi Jo my Girlfriends name amen πŸ™.

  3. Guardian Angel Mehahel πŸ™ I humbly acknowledge your presence. Thank you for the special gifts and blessings bestowed upon meπŸ™πŸ™πŸŒΉ

  4. I just saw 04:40 on the 4th of march, and it makes my faith strong. Thanks to my Guardian angel ….

  5. Wow am blessed πŸ˜‡ thank you very much my Angel Mehahel I really appreciate you please help me I was involved in a car accident so now it’s damaged my sexual life please πŸ™πŸΎ help me I want a child a baby girl please my Angel.

  6. Thank you Mehahel for reaching out. I can confirm some of the gifts you have bestowed upon me and I am filled with gratitude. Thank you for always being present and guiding me in this journey.

  7. It’s doesn’t make any sense for me any more .I started seen this numbers around 8 months. Like evry day recently I’m seen o’clock hours and 00.00 more but I’m wondering why I can’t explain it my self why I should come to ur website to read this numbers meaning.ibelive many people can see this numbers not about specific religion. I’m muslim and I keep seen it evry day even I’m ignoring it .and now I’m more interested in it.i hope I got any explanation .I’m wondering if this kind of sprituality will get better and get better over time .

  8. Amen πŸ™πŸΎ πŸ™πŸΎ πŸ™πŸΎ πŸ™πŸΎ πŸ™πŸΎ πŸ™πŸΎ πŸ™πŸΎ πŸ™πŸΎ πŸ™πŸΎ πŸ™πŸΎ

  9. Thank you my angel for giving me hope….love you angel Mehahel and to the Universe, m greatful πŸ™β€οΈ

  10. I haven been woken up out my sleep at 4:40 or 4:11 for about to months and I kept aging lord what is it your trying to show me ?!! Tell just this week spirit guide says ok look it up like u do your dreams !! Than it came to me after reading that I need to stop worrying !! I’ve been worrying about my finances my job my relationship and kids and grandchildren it off all that seems like nothing goes right it seems like I don’t know which way to turn right or left every time I make a decision that I think is right it seems as if it hinders me more makes me worry more but I am glad that I looked up everything and it’s telling me to have faith that’s something that I always have and it seems as if I started losing it because nothing goes right well I understand that I need to be more humble understanding and less stress and negative thoughts I think you got for showing me my angel giving me the angel that you gave me I will try and live and let live from this day on and trust and believe that he shall guide me through your command and hopefully every day starting today my life will be more positive more abundance more blessings and no worries and thanks to my spirit guide Mehahel and to God and his darling son Jesus I love ❀️ you thanks so much for everything I need peace inside out and I shall trust in you everything is about to turn around for the good amen !!!!❀️β™₯οΈβœ”οΈπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

  11. Thank you soo much angel Mehahel, I now know that all my worries are taken of care by you. My God continue blessing us with angels like youπŸ™

  12. A difficult but necessary pill to swallow. After a period of relentless intellectual curiosity, I find myself humbled and in need of disconnection from ego and reconnection with spirit. I asked for a sign and I got one. It is time to return to a more loving and compassionate approach.

  13. I am grateful for the divine protection of my angels and ask God to continue to guide and protect me. Thank you Angel Mehahel.

  14. Thank you my angel Mehahel, i pray my God may make me prosper in my relationship and be able to have this business i want to be granted to me, am asking my Heavenly Father to offer it to me in Jesus Christ name. AMEN

  15. I am truly humbled! Thank you Mahahel for wrapping your love and tenderness around me. Thank you God, you make no mistakes. I see that now, and am eternally grateful for everything I have gone through. It has shaped and molded me into the light being I am today. I am so thankful for your mercy and blessings. Wow, just wow. Whoever needs to hear this don’t give up please. This works needs you. Trust and have faith. Our Father hears our prayers and wails no matter how big or small. You are loved. I promise. Keep going, keep fighting. Don’t give up. I claim this and hold this near my heart Father and in the mighty name of your son Yeshua Jesus I pray. Amen πŸ˜‡β€οΈ

  16. 04.40am 23/02/21 thank you for watching over me πŸ˜‡πŸ™ŒπŸ’«πŸŒ I am truly blessed .πŸ₯°β™₯️

  17. Angel Mehahel I Thank You and I Love You So Much And Lastly I Receive Let It Be Unto Me In The Mighty Blood And The Name Of JESUS CHRIST, Amen.

  18. Angels I love you. The shining beings of light, I am truly truly v v v v grateful for your love and protection and for being there for me always. Blessings and love your wayπŸ˜‡πŸ₯°πŸ˜‡

  19. I’ve seen this reversed hour several times but today I woke up suddenly with my eyes on this reversed hour. Thank you so much my beloved angels for sending me messages and warnings through mirror hours, reversed and triple hours. It is really a blessing to know that angels are taking care of me. Love you πŸ™β€

  20. I dreamed my twin tonight for the first time after asking God for it. And received some important messages from it. Checked the time and read this meaning. It’s amazing! Love you universe!

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