07:07 Meaning

Here you can learn the nature of the message that the mirror hour 07:07 has sent to you. This is something that your subconscious has marked as important, so it is reasonable that you would want to know exactly what it signifies. If you have often witnessed a synchronicity in the form of the hour 07:07 then your mind certainly has some information that it would like to share with you!

07:07 has strong symbolism, and the number “7” is present in all major religions whether that be in the seven heavens of Islam, or in the number of days needed for creation as indicated in Genesis of the Old Testament. It is also a common link in the basis of the Jewish and Christian faiths, as the 7th day is a day of rest and contemplation on the divinity of creation.

Mirror Hour Oracle >>

It is therefore completely normal to find seeing the mirror hour 07:07 as somewhat strange. Here we are going to provide you with the significance of this hour with the help of the guardian angels, as well as through numerology and the Tarot. Feel free to share with us your impressions in the comments.

Significance of 07:07 with the Guardian Angels

It appears that you are going to have some kind of awakening! You have spent a long time analyzing and studying various fields such as ecology, technology, spirituality, politics, the economy, etc. You are going to have a kind of revelation. You are now able to understand that everything has an intrinsic connection. This will help you to see the world as it really is!

You are going to experience a shift in your ability to grasp the events in your life, which will be of great help to you! Your awakening to the spiritual world will now give you access to facets of your personality that you never thought existed. An inner transformation is taking place, can you feel it already?

The guardian angels are telling you that you will meet success if you develop a partnership or collaboration with people that you find on the same path as you. You have a huge amount of ideas and you can express them fully. You can sense that something is happening without being able to explain it, and you need to bring innovative solutions to all areas of your life!

The mirror hour 07:07 is a positive affirmation on behalf of the angels; they believe that you are currently following the right path! They are beside you to help in your spiritual development. You've probably heard that little voice inside of you giving you confidence and motivation. You should follow it without hesitation!

Mirror Hour 07:07 Love Significance

This time may be a mirror hour meaning of the perfect time to open up to all opportunities and love-related and urge listening more to intuition—more reception than ever to the subtle guidance of the universe in the pursuit of romance.

A beautiful reminder of the tremendous worth of your intuition and divine messages as compasses in connecting with others in a way that is real and profound.

Follow your Intuition in Love

07:07 encourages you to place your trust in your intuition and inner feelings when it comes to love.

This shows the real fact of letting the heart and intuition direct one to relationships that are really meaningful and satisfying.

Each time that you decide and, of course, face the crossroad on the path of love, just take a minute and listen to the recommendation of your inside voice.

It will often guide you towards enriching experiences that resonate perfectly with your essence.

Open to messages from the Universe

07:07 indicates that the universe is giving you signals and signs; it is directing you in your love experience. Coincidences, chance meetings, and repeated signs in your life should all be triggers in dealing with your relationships.

In most cases, these messages of the divine involve words of encouragement or validation towards a certain path, granting lucidity and calmness in love choices.

New Possibilities in Love

07:07 invites with a lot of courage and openness in accepting new windows of love, maybe those that are breaking parameters of your conceptions.

It is a call for the exploration of love in all forms, to realize the richness of varied experiences, and to be open to relationships of which kind one may not have thought before.

Being open and adaptive, you give yourself a chance to experience unique love stories that ripen the soul and understanding of love at this time, around ripe love.

Angelic Interpretation of the Hour 07:07

Free Angels Guidance ➤

The guardian angel corresponding with 07:07 is Yeiayel whose period of influence extends from 07:00 to 07:20. He symbolizes Honor and Prestige! He is like a lucky charm. He brings you good fortune and guides you in overcoming the challenges of life.

He is a powerful spiritual guide who shares knowledge of the different planes of existence. He helps you obtain glory and recognition; he turns you into a charismatic leader who knows how to get your ideas across with a gentle touch. He teaches you to cultivate mutual support and solidarity with others. If you intend to carry out research, you will make some fantastic discoveries.

Hours: From 07:00 to 08:00 – Archangel: Gabriel – Planetary Energy: The Moon

Hours: From 07:00 to 08:00 – Archangel: Camael – Planetary Energy: Mars

Hours: From 07:00 to 08:00 – Archangel: Michael – Planetary Energy: Mercury

Hours: From 07:00 to 08:00 – Archangel: Zadkiel – Planetary Energy: Jupiter

Hours: From 07:00 to 08:00 – Archangel: Haniel – Planetary Energy: Venus

Hours: From 07:00 to 08:00 – Archangel: Zaphkiel – Planetary Energy: Saturn

Hours: From 07:00 to 08:00 – Archangel: Raphael – Planetary Energy: The Sun

What does 07:07 mean in Numerology?

The total value of the mirror hour 07:07 is 14, which is very telling! This number shows that you harbor a great sense of curiosity. You explore all subjects and you enjoy your mind. You are aware of your intellectual capacities; this allows you to reach goals which would seem unattainable for many others.

You manage your life in the best possible way and this gives you immense freedom. You are a determined person who knows what they want, and your success will add up! This can sometimes lead to jealousy in others. Take care not to say too much when you share your success with others. This will avoid bad reactions.

The number 14 shows that you are in pursuit of balance. This explains why you thirst for information on so many subjects. But you should exercise diligence and concentration or you will risk losing everything. There are many paths to explore, but think on this: When we are young, we run, because we want to explore everything that we can. As we grow older, we walk, because we have learned the right way to go!

You have great skills of communication and your ability to express yourself in public can do wonders! You can certainly envision yourself in a career which requires putting yourself forward and you are able to bear a great deal of responsibility. You are unafraid to manage a project, and leading a team is what you were made for!

Connection between 07:07 and the Tarot

The Tarot card corresponding to 07:07 is the Chariot. This Arcanum indicates that you will be very lucky! It guides you towards success and accomplishment. It can also be a sign of a journey or of moving house. Get ready to change location!

The Chariot is a very positive card. There are definitely going to be changes in your life, but the good kind! You are going to meet success in your love life, work life, and your financial life. It is as if you are being whisked towards the future and there is no time to think about the mistakes of the past. You are going to meet with phenomenal success! But as you would have guessed, this is only the first part of the message of the mirror hour 07:07.

Every card must always have a negative interpretation as well. When the Chariot emerges in a bad position in your reading, it indicates an important decision. You are going to have to choose the right path, and there is no room for mistake!

A romantic interpretation of the Chariot indicates that you are going to have one or several affairs. A journey may be the beginning of a beautiful love story. In your work, the card refers to progress and promotion. You are going to surpass the goals that you set for yourself. In financial matters, you are not going to want for money ever again!

Any comment on the 07:07 mirror hour?

190 responses to “07:07”

  1. Thank you my angel, and please bring back my Lover Anathi Jo ♥️😪I love her so much and I need her in my life Amen 🙏.

  2. Thank you my Angel 😇❤️ for lifting up my spirit in the morning, thank you for the powerful message 🕯️ wow am blessed.

  3. Wow.. that’s my first time seeing 0707. It’s just the right words at the right time.. Again a confirmation that I am doing the right thing and I am just where I am supposed to be! Thank you for that!

  4. You are my guiding light always, without which I would be lost, thank you for blessing me with your love and helping each and everyone of us on our individual and unique path in life.thank you for my life, thank you for all my senses and every atom of my being. I love you dear lord god the almighty, creator of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen, may you continue to shine your ever lasting light on all of mankind and planet earth.

  5. i really appreciate so much..Finding out that the mirror hour has been sending a message has been my biggest discovery.I thank My Lord,guardian angels and mother nature.Joy to you all brethrens.

  6. Hi I am very thankful for this message and I have been feeling many things ,that have been resonating with in my being for quite some time now. Thank you more than you might know for now.

  7. Today is 07/07/2023 And I looked at my phone this morning and saw 07:07am.

    I had to check the meaning and boy I’m right on track it all make sense now.

    And today is my lucky day, Joy has come.

    All glory to God Almighty

  8. I am truly thankful for the guidance of angel Yeiayel and all the angels. May continue to.br found worthy and ready. So mote it be. 🙏🏾

  9. Thankyou .Heavenly Father for helping me through your angels . Helping and guiding me.ThankYou.

  10. I’m so grateful for this message. Thanking God for hearing my prayers. And for the universe listening my commands. I’m grateful. I’m going to success my dreams and my goals.

  11. I thank you my guardian angel for this positive message
    I accept it with faith
    And I pray for all this to come to pass..Amen

  12. Welcome my precious Angels. Thank you for your presence, support and guidance. I appreciate this positive message and will live by its guidance. Let’s do this.

  13. Thank you my Divine Power and to my guardian angels for always guiding and protecting me and my family.

    I gratefully receive this. It is so, and so it is! 🙏🏽

  14. Thank you angel, I am confident that all my desires are being met and that everything I desire is coming my way effortlessly, Thank you universe, thanks be to the Almighty Creator of the universe.

  15. Thanks to my Guardian Angel for being by my side. I trust in thy protection and care for my wellbeing.

  16. I’m so grateful to start my day with such a profound positive message.
    Thank you angels

  17. Ohh Lord you are amazing how you connect to us!How Angels are,

    For the first time I was a little confused about angel’s messages but it’s always become true ♡ Amen ♡

  18. Thank you so much, i love the message. and i believe in my guardian angels. and i know i will be successful in Jesus name amen.

  19. Thanks so much for elaborating these things to us. I would like to make a quote from your text if you would allow it.

  20. Thanks you so much, I really appreciate for everything and I believe my story will surely change

  21. I am so grateful for receiving this message today. Thank you God and Guardian Angel Yeiayel, and Angels for the messages through numbers🙏🏽🥰!!

  22. Thank you God and my Angels for all your beautiful Blessings you have already given me, I am forever grateful! I believe and can feel this miracle about to happen very soon, I Trust God, I am keeping my Faith in God, I am holding strong hope and Patiently waiting for God’s own Timing because I know that God’s got this ! With help from God’s Angel Yeiayel thank you I feel so very Blessed in my life! I pray for everyone here who also holds Faith in you to feel at Peace and that those who are experiencing hardship and still hold strong this too shall pass and you will be blown away with the beautiful Blessings coming your way God has been working on just for you! and anyone else reading this right now! I love you God and Angels Amen 🙏🕯️

  23. Christmas Blessings. I have an affinity with angel Ieiaiel and in sync. I am very humbled and grateful for Gods presence with his angels who help me in many ways that I never thought possible!!! Amen.

  24. Thank you my angel this exactly what happend to me all the detail of this confirmation,I feel it its about time.thank you 🙏🏾

  25. This is wonderful new. Thank you angel yeiayel… Thank you holy spirit. Thank you Jehovah Kanna. This is confirmation of good things to come. I have been looking forward to move and soon will be travelling. Thank you angel yeiayel for you bestowed upon me all the goodness you posses. I receive all the blessings in this message in Jesus name. It is my time.

  26. Am grateful to JEHOVAH, to Yeiayel for his guardians, for the luck and good furtune He brings my way as I walk through the path of spirituality, and, am so excited for the confirmation I got from this site..the mirror hour 07:07 resonate in my life, and for this, am grateful

  27. First of all thank you ,please bring all this good fortune my way fo me and my family , l await my good foutune. Love and light xx

  28. Thank you for such a beautiful message and blessings dear guardian angel Yeiayel. I am looking forward to embarking on this divine journey with you and the rest of the galactic family.
    Love and light!

  29. Thank you angel yeiayel, your message to me is spot on as I have been planning on moving houses and finding balance and stability. 8 am open and ready to always receive your guidance in all areas of my life and as a mother wife business woman. These days I see things for what they arw. Thank you for contacting me in Jesus name amen

  30. As the text said we are getting in shock on how things are going…
    Thank you so much Yeiayel Marinheiro for touching me with your bespoken message, specially today 30/10/2022

  31. Thank you Universe and thank you angels for guidance…I can feel the shift spiritually…much love and light 🙌🙏

  32. Thanks be to God and to my guardian angel yelayel, I am conscious and ready to manifest all this qualities, I thank God for blessings favor and abundance luck and prestige, I hail the Most High God.
    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you omnipresent, omniscience and Omnipotent God.

  33. Thank you my guardian angels, thank you angel Yeayiel for honor, prestige and success!! I believe things are working in my favor, I believe something great I’ve been expecting is about to take place in my life. Thank you God, Amen.

  34. I thank my archangels and angels for protection, blessings, favor, prestige, luck, accomplishment, open doors, break through and all the good things I am manifesting right now, I am aware that everything is working in my favor. I’m a magnet for abundance + energy, thank you universe.

  35. Thank you so much Angel’s for guiding me and always right by my side to show me the right way and Thank you again for your blessings and I pray for more blessings over my life more money coming my way happiness/prosperity everything I touch there must be light .Amen.

  36. Almost everyday I see different time number but I still don’t get it .but all my friends said I’ve changed but I don’t still see myself to be changed.the numbers I always see is 11 11 and 7 7 thank u angel Yeaiyel and all the universe expercially God

  37. Thank u So much Universe..Thank U So Much Cosmos..love u so much..&Thank U very Very Much Guardian Angels For Ur love , Support , protection & Guidence…Love U always…

    By the divine Guidance of Guardian Angel I won the jackpot of us powerball lottery..& nowAm in bliss..Thank u so much angel & universe for gifted me lavish and prosperous life & to guide me in the path of sprituality to attain peace , patience, love & divinity

  38. Wow thank you my guardian angel for always guiding me and showing any thing about me, I really feel the spiritual awakening and I believe I’m going to be successful in love life and in money I also feel that I’m going to relocate. Thank you very much for always be there to let me know everything in my life, I really appreciate.

  39. Wow amazing ❤️😻,thanks for the angel to visit me,two years ago this number came repeatedly several days ,when I look at my phone the our is looking me at my face ,I relocoted,I got ajob ,up to now am still working,now two weeks now it’s following me again, there is an NGO since last yr it has never yield the the promise they gave us ,hoping n looking forward to bring good things in my life again ,thank u universal to visit me again

  40. Thank so much gaurdain amgels & ascended master for putting me in abudance and make me to won the lottery of my dream ..This all can happen with ur love , mercy & gudiance…be with me always and guide me to fullfill my soul purpose..thank u so much..love u so much…thank u universe 🙏🙏🙏😍💐

  41. I have been living the best days of my life since I stated this journey, I always knew that there was more to life, and now the universe have been in constant contact with me, because I was looking for answers, and now I have it. And I can’t wait to be fully awakened. Thank you very much lord Jesus and all the angels that are there to support us in this life. 🤍

  42. I thank you Guardian Angel Yeiayel for your presence and guidance. I am divinely blessed and cared for by you. It brings me great joy to know that you’re accompanying me on my life journey and I am very appreciative and grateful for your kind benevolence. Amen.

  43. I thank my angels for that wonderful work they are doing for me. Please my angels keep working on me every micro seconds of my life until I will reach to the overrall GOD in heaven

  44. Today I had 5,6 encounters of these angelic numbers
    I met a girl and I felt really ecstatic and that experience made me aware and connected with my surroundings
    After that now from yesterday I’m having same feeling

  45. Blessings all,

    The universe is a powerful source of manifestation. I am overwhelmed by the amount of daily mirror hours my subconscious comes across. This is no coincidence! the numbers ‘always’ have a relevant message for me.

    The number ‘7’ is my name number in numerology and currently the transition ‘I Am’ going through is a beautiful journey. I now understand that ‘belief’, visualisation, consistency and action will manifest in time.

  46. Wow wow wow, glory to God and angel Yeaiyel, as I was standing under a bus shelter waiting for the house agent to pick up my calls this message came through @07:07.i aam currently looking for a home, my landlord has been so unfair to me, but glory to Jesus and his powerful angels supporting and letting me know they are with. The joy within me is beyond. Thank you so much I receive and claim all that is in this message as it is timely. You are powerful and diligently faithful Lord ytou and your Angels. Angel Yeaiyel I welcome you into our family may you never leave us. Grateful to all the opportunities and thank you for the new location new life new love, new leadership skills at ands in my business family, my child and future and all that concerns me. I will not worry because heaven and it’s angels are with me.

  47. i was just talking to myself about the future at 07:07, and i was filled with positivity, than i checked the hour and there it was. read the meaning and its is so fitting, im so happy for this and i claim this with my whole heart. thank you archangel

  48. Thank you angels for this beautiful positive reassuring message 💜 receiving w lots of gratitude 🙏

  49. Angel 07:07 please kindly guide the best way I know you are always there for me , please help me to win big and protect me àlways till I die don’t let the bad man have power over me,bless me and my family big

  50. This is so accurate. I am already feeling the inner transformation and it feels so good. I am so grateful to the Universe and my guardian angels for the support and guidance. I feel so positive and very energetic.

  51. I just looked at my clock it was 07:07 and it was 7 degrees outside , wow 777 ,, not only that today is the 22/2/22 ,, today is going to be a really lucky day ,,, I just know it 💖

  52. Dear Angel YEIAYEL,
    You are my lucky charm. Please bring me and my family good fortune and guide us in overcoming the challenges of life.. kindly help me win super jackpot in lottery and help my children Ervin & Erynn to be granted canadian student visa. Bless with abundance all our investments. Thank you very much.

  53. Woooow… every word is so precise and correct. I have been blessed with many visits from beautiful energy entities. I am not sure what is happening, I am very confused, but I love my life so much. It’s just me and you. You guide me through every second. Nobody seems to understand.
    Thank you so much. I am at a concert today. I will dance hard and send you my energy. I love you X x x x

  54. Dear Angel Yeiayel, thank you very much for you will guide me to success and i’m so thankful that you bless me with such blessings. Help me win jackpot in lottery and succeed in all my investments. And soon to live with my family in Canada with joy, good health & prosperity. Loveyou

  55. Wow!!! this reading never failed me.. all of them are making its way , scared me a bit but that’s life, I thank god everyday for being blessed

  56. i started seeing 11:11 some 12 years ago when i whas 18 , then it stopped , and cirka 5 years later i Saw 22:22 all the time , it stopped aswell, then last year when i broke my leg and was in the hospital , it whent crazy i saw all numbers 07:07 09:09 10:10 21:21 also inverted like 12:21 all the spectre , i see up to 5 times a day mirror hours , i feel really blessed like im beeing guided, after many years with bad behaviour and drugs , it’s like im beeing guided and not forgotten 🙏❤️

  57. This message made perfect sense to me! When I saw 07:07 on my clock, I just knew I had to look for it’s meaning , as the meaning would be significant for me at this time! And I was absolutely right! Thank you God & the Angels for this Insight! 🙏🥰💖✨😇🕊

  58. So pleased with all the positives coming into my life right now, will do my very best to fill every aspect thank you 🙏

  59. Its amazing to read this kind of message this number 07:07 has been appearing to me for sometime,I really appreciate this message.Thank you Archangel Gabriel

  60. This is so relevant, and I always find waiting for me at work. When I look at the time, he always makes sure I see him😊 This information is so relevant cause there’s a project that I’ve been asked to take on and by the look of things, I’ll be asked to lead the team as the boss works from home because of the covid 19. On the other hand, hubby and I have been talking about getting our own house and cease renting and we’ve been communicating with the guardian Angels to make that possible for us as we are planning. I’m grateful for MirrorHour website, it is always precise and grateful for Guardian Angels for their service they render to us. Be blessed All, Namaste 🙏

  61. Thank you so much guardian Angels messages I recieve everyday keeps me going , I’m ready to recieve all the blessing.

  62. Wow thank karma,I lost my job two weeks ago,am kinda believe I will get another one sooner than soon,money wise I can’t complain,am thinking of moving from one bedroom apartment to two bedroom apartment yea it’s true thank universe

  63. Yes, everything explained here , is what is happening , and going to happen to me. Thank you guardian angels

  64. I am looking forward for my success and growth in all my projects and businesses. I am grateful and ready to receive the blessings from God, Universe and the source of it all.
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

  65. This fits perfectly with my intention and motivation. I just finished a beautiful meditation and saw this number. Thank you for confirming my destiny.

  66. loving the correct information its like you talking with me, and you know exactly what my needs and wants thanks you much with relevant information and continue to inspire us , may the Lord Bless us All, in the name of Jesus Christ🙏🕊

  67. Good day 🙏👏every information I receive here is life changing to me and all I can say is thank you for teaching me about myself and my beautiful Guardian Angels lije yourselves. GOD BLESS YOU

  68. Thank you yeiayal, we are having a really tough time as a family at the moment, please guide us all in the right direction and help my husband through his operation, really looking for guidance and a positive outlook thank you again xx

  69. Wow I am so happy and grateful….
    I am ready to receive the blessings from the Universe.
    Yessss,,, planning to move into my dream home and yes you are correct am busy working on a massive projects that requires me indeed to lead a huge team..

    Looking forward to all the best of life in abundance that I deserve. I am grateful indeed.
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

  70. Thank you, the message resonated a lot, not just part, probably about 95% of the message. Thank you for sharing this, it really confirmed that I am on the right path and gave me pieces of information that I needed right now. Super grateful!

  71. Today I am in Uis, Namibia on a project to carry out cooperate Social Responsibilities and I am utterly amazed to come across this message while I am on this journey, I am grateful for my life and purpose. I am grateful for the Universe. I am grateful for God in Heaven. I am grateful for today. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

  72. This is so funny because I opened my phone to send a good morning greeting to my ex and 07:07 was the time i saw on my phone. He and I broke up over a month ago. I think he is going through something deep but doesnt want to tell me so he broke up with me. I love him alot and still want to be with him. I dont know what my angels are trying to tell me but I suggest its something good.

  73. My Guardian Angel Yeiayel and Archangel Camael I am ready to receive the blessings of the Universe. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  74. Glorious Angels of light, thank you for your protection,presence and guidance in my life. Surround me with your armour of light and guide me on my journey through life.

  75. This is ironic I just had deep conversation regarding having a spiritual awakening and be productive on keeping a positive mind set to manifest your dreams!!
    This has certainly sealed the deal!!

  76. I am emotionally, physically and mentally ready to recieve all🙌🙌🙌

    Thank you for the assurance

  77. Having trouble knowing where to move and how but I feel this urge and calling to live in a house, to enjoy my surroundings and write and study. Im currently in a place where I feel boxed in
    HOWEVER I see nothing but good things. light love and liberty. I see so much joy and peace in the coming days let alone years. Sending everyone hope and happiness! Thank you Yeiayel! <3

  78. Thank you Yeaiyel You know I’m moving house soon to countryside location, you also now my personal life will have a profound change for the best thank you so much love and light amen ❤️🙏

  79. I receive thank you Guardian Angel and ArcAngel, thank you so much Universe.
    This is accurate and I am so ready.
    Am really glad and happy that I know that you are looking out for me, keep me firm and strong as I take on my new journey, to great new beginnings.

  80. Since my mom die 20th march 2020, most times i pick my fone and glance at it , i alway see time double lik 02:02, 03:03,04:04:05:05,06:06:07:07, 08:08 and 09:09 most often . I became scared.i finally find this hours as a blessing to me and i have claimed it. But 1st i tought it was demonic or some alien influence. Dad late too. And am 1st child wit five junior once,Lord knws i love them all.and I’m 27

  81. Angel Yeiayel I Thank You and I Love You So Much And Lastly I Receive Let It Be Unto Me In The Mighty Name Of JESUS CHRIST, Amen.

  82. Every aspect of this reading of 07:07 is perfect for me as I have just started my first job this week and I actually feel like I finally have a purpose in the world and I belong were I am at the moment, although I am not currently in a relationship or planning on moving house or going on holiday. But I can most definitely feel the shift in emotions and energy from a time were I was heavily depressed but looking back in may have needed that to see how good things are getting now xx thank you spirits and angles hope to see you again soon x

  83. I receive Guardian Angel , my Creator , my ancestors in the spiritual realm thank you for such an uplifting message on this beautiful Tuesday

  84. To the Team of “mirrorhour”:Thank you so much for the information you share with us.
    To Snethemba Mncwango:
    My Father passt away on the 22.of october last year as well and what helps me a lot is replacing the Idea of Loss with the one of Changing Form…cause in fact, beside your Senses with whom you perceived your Mother, the most you always felt and received from Her, was her Energy. Energy gets never lost, but transformed and even if she hasn’t her Materiel Form anymore, she is with you, on the energy level, more conscius present when you think about her and the most important: she is actually always with you because her Energy is inside of you, you being a piece of her and this actually making up your both connection to each other.
    So She just transformed because it was time to transform, this was a divine gift given to her, she’s allright and her Energy is always present within you.

  85. Thank you in advance for all the loving changes I’m about to embark upon. God’s love can’t be defined in words…I’m grateful to receive it.

  86. What a good way to start the new year, in the company of Yeiayel I have been feeling more calm, accepted and accepting of my current situation all of yesterday (when I’m normally a very anxious person) the presence of Yeiayel is an emotional breath of fresh air. Thank you so much and I hope everybody can experience this feeling of inner tranquillity as it is the best feeling I have ever experienced in my life xx

  87. Thank you guardian Angel Yeiayel and ArchAngel Zadkiel….

    Thank you,,thank you… i love and respect you so much.

  88. Thanks! this is what I needed to read I was going though a rough time I’m coming out of it slowly
    Thank you 🙏🏾 I accept all that I’m reading about 7:07 looking forward for Greatness amazing awaken

  89. Wow
    This really is talking to me. Am in a process of building my parents a house. And things looked a bit slower n jam. I guess it’s a message that all is well you will succeed n move in the new house. Or maybe it’s mine coming 🙏
    I just want to find out what must I do when this hour appears?

  90. Thank you very much , I have been looking for greater solutions as the world and my own knowledge failed me. In fact all events I get a warning before it happens, comfort then i see great results from above. I now follow the laws and made God my Source of everything and people around me as Resource. I now depend only on God.

  91. I receive the teaching on 707. I am trying to pursue all the knowledge that I can attain. I have a great destiny ahead of me. I’m finding out in the worse way that jealousy, envy, lives in the church. Why can’t we see that the harvest is plentiful and one person can’t do it all. Leaders are causing man to fall just by not meeting people where they are. Jesus said let the wheat and chaff grow up together and he’ll do the separating. God does not need help being God. I think he is totally capable of creating, keeping things the way he want it to be. We as leaders must teach and preach and leave the judging to God.

  92. I accept it fully. So Be It.
    I’m sure I l be sharing exactly the changes that are happening in my life. Stay tuned!

  93. Financial success is the main affirmation I do every night. Thanks for this assurance that I am right in already feeling it happening. I am a successful painter, writer, singer.

  94. I wake up to watch ths message again!
    I can feel your love dear Yeaiyel, thank you!
    I really need to erase past mistakes and move forward.
    Please guide me!
    I love you all!

    • Thank you Angles for leading me to see 7:07, And Thank You Angles for All the Angel Numbers And Messages 😊 Love 💝And Light💖To All🌺

  95. I m passing throu a really bad break up. Where the ex is planning with your best buddys to kidnap you and to lock you up in a room, where police is my second house and whre i can feel safe. I m broke with no house and still no job yet. Where the only thing keeping me going are my angels and their protection. They send me dozen of messages just to keep me going. To carry on so that the only thing i m tring.

  96. Interesting. Just came to this cause I’ve seen so many repetitive numbers like this today, kinda freaked me out.

    7:07, 9:09, and 10:10…
    Seen all of them today

    • I have exactly the same, every hour mirror numbers 😁
      I guess it’s a good sign. I always try to remember of what I was thinking when seeing the numbers.

  97. I m regularly seeing mirror hours in clock, on vehicle number plates double digit specially 11:11 mirror hours and other double digit mirror hours. In mobile, license number plate etc etc. But nothing happens synchronicity, or meaning found on various websites on mirror hours, numerology. But life is passing from very tough and painful hours.

  98. It’s pretty interesting because I was about to move to my mother house again and leave my toxic and depressed roomate ! I tried for months to help her but got depressed myself because of the bad vibes !

  99. Wow this is explained so well. I just lost my mother last year November and I have still not recovered because she was my all. And being the last born in my family I also realized that all my siblings are doing much better than me.

    I am going through a lot currently and yes we are moving at the end of this month to be honest all of these things that you have shared here are accurate with my life. But I am also worried because I think I am still depressed about the event of my mother.

    But I am so grateful for this kind of information.

    • First of all I hope and pray that after each day that passes your grief will lessen and you will live with the beautiful memory of your mother. I know very well how you feel dear. I lost my father last June, he was overseas and the airports was closed due to the pendamic, and the worst part was I didn’t know that my father was dying, nobody told me until before hours of his death, it was the worst day of my life and till now every day I remember my father and cry, till now I still can’t believe that he has gone, but each day I try and convince myself that he is in a better place now, he is with his mother, father, brother in heaven, I convince myself also that he was in such a pain that no human can bare it but now he is not feeling any pain, but again it will be 1 year on June 12 and still I cry every day and see all other family members has already moved on. Stay strong dear and believe that you are not alone we all are beside you and feel with your pain. May God bless you and your family and keep u happy, healthy and safe.

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