The message of the oracle through the mirror hour 01h01 concerning your sentimental domain is that there is a person who secretly loves you.
You're about to meet someone who will change your life, so get ready. Keep in mind that this mirror hour represents union in love.
If you want to know true love, the oracle informs you that you'll have to flee isolation and solitude, which prevent you from opening up to others and multiplying your social network.
You'll need to learn to explore new horizons, as your other half may be in a different environment to you.
But before you embark on a love affair, the oracle asks you to take stock of yourself and analyze the feelings you have when you think of this person.
This is how you'll find out who the person in love with you really is.
On the other hand, if you're already in a loving relationship, according to the oracle, this mirror hour heralds a crucial step in your relationship.
It could indicate a marriage proposal, a birth or an engagement.